
Heat recovery – Save money and the environment

Compressors and the compressed air they generate are used in a multitude of applications. However, the fact that compressor exhaust heat can be reused is a little known fact. 

Of course, this heat could simply be conveyed away. However, there are plenty of ways to make use of this readily available energy source that occurs as a by-product of the compression process. The simplest and most efficient method is to use the compressor exhaust heat directly, e.g. for heating adjoining rooms or spaces. 

Here, instead of discharging hot air from the compressed air station outside, an air ducting system directs it to neighbouring offices, warehouses or workshops. When no hot air is required, the heated exhaust air is simply conveyed outdoors by means of a flap or louvre. A thermostatically controlled louvre enables hot air to be provided as and when required in order to maintain a constant set temperature.

An air ducting system can direct hot air to neighbouring offices, warehouses or workshops.
Compressor exhaust heat can also be used to supply existing hot water heating and service water systems; depending on the available storage capacity, water temperatures of over 70ºC can be generated.
Since very few operators know their exact air demand, it is worth conducting a compressed air audit before installing a compressor system. Performed using state-of-the-art analysis tools such as the ADA/KESS (Air Demand Analysis/Kaeser Energy Saving System), this audit can determine the precise demand data for a project. This data can then be used to determine the planning steps for the air station operator, as well as the investment costs and potential for energy savings.
In the best-case scenario, 96% of the heat output can be used.
Heat recovery is principally worthwhile when the compressors in question feature a power output of at least 5.5 kW. 
In the case of a completely new installation, optimised solutions are devised and suggested from the outset so that the operator can compare independently between different system variants and select the most cost-efficient choice. 
Heat recovery can significantly increase the efficiency of a compressed air system and reduce environmental damage by preventing emissions of greenhouse gas.